2024 Passwords
Hello Brothers and Sisters, Passwords will be sent out over the next few days to Lodges and Households. If I have email contact for your Branch, you will receive the password electronically. The word will be sent via mail to those branches without internet connections. Please be on the lookout for this information. GTP
Join Our Official Facebook Group
It’s time to increase our presence on social media and provide opportunities to keep our membership aware of activities. Click this link to join:
The National Social Services Committee “Requests for 2023-2024
Greetings All GUOOF Members, The National Social Services Committee greets you in the matchless name of Jesus, our Christ! GUOOF is a charitable organization and our members do countless good deeds in our neighborhoods and communities. Also, increasing our footprint and visibility in the communities may help us increase our GUOOF membership with willing and active members. Therefore, we are inviting all Districts, Lodges and Households to INCREASE your support of your communities and report your activities to us during September 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. We are also asking that you document each activity with one photo, if possible. Back to school events, toys for tots, Red Cross blood drives, food baskets…
2024 Full Board Session January 11-13
Hello Brothers and Sisters, Just a reminder of details related to the January session. Ads and Banquet sales are low. Please be aware of the deadlines. The January Full Board session is scheduled for January 11-13, 2024 at the Doubletree Hotel- Center City, Philadelphia with departure on Sunday, January 14. The session will culminate with the Installation of all District Grand Lodge and District Grand Household Officers on Saturday, January 13. As usual, the Installation Ceremony will be followed by the Banquet. Tickets are $60 each. Please mail all monies for tickets to my VA home address (7314 Porters Rd., Esmont, VA 22937). Tickets will be distributed to you upon your arrival in Philadelphia. The deadline…
Grand Officers Grand Household of Ruth 2023-2025
GUOOF America: Salisbury, Maryland’s Annual Thanksgiving Services and Founders Day Celebration
Sandy Spring Lodge #6430, and Monitor Household of Ruth #4550 Salisbury, Maryland’s Annual Thanksgiving Services and Founders Day Celebration Honoring Peter Ogden and Patrick Reason of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America and Jurisdictions. Sunday, May 21, 2023 with Rev. Bro. Eugene Nichols and 1st Lady Sis. Tamatha Nichols, Elsey United Methodist Church, Bivale, MD. Noble Grand, Bro. Lamont Spates, Most Noble Governor Sis. Brenda Dutton-Harding, District Grand Master Bro. Wendell Brady, District Grand Most Noble Governor Sis. Cathy McGlotten, Officers and Members.
Pilgrim Lodge #1651 GUOOF, Portsmouth, Virginia – 2023 Annual Thanksgiving Day Service and the presentation and signing of new charter for the all-new Gladys Ogburn Household of Ruth North Carolina.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SISTER Doreen Vanheynegen, MNG of HHR in Florida!
Happy Birthday Brother Charles E. Brown
Darlington Central Lodge 3440 GUOOF District 13
Area II Spring meeting will be held via ZOOM at 10 am on April 22
Hello Brothers and Sisters,The Area II Spring meeting will be held via ZOOM at 10 am on April 22. We cordially invitebrothers and sisters from other areas to join us. Please rsvp by April 20 so that the link for themeeting can be sent to you. Please send your response to Brother Albert Ruffin ( , Co-Director Cathy McGlotten (email-,or me (email- Fraternally,Graham Paige, DirectorArea II