Charity donation to the Sheppard Clinic in Zebulon, N.C.

The Brothers and Sisters  made a charity donation to the Sheppard Clinic in Zebulon N.C.  This is a clinic serving the community which gets no funding except the donation given to them. They serve the people whom otherwise would not get any health care because of lack of funds to pay!

Included in the photos: Bro.Melvin Holden, Bro.Greg Holden, Bro.Armstrong, Sis Joanne Irby, Sis Debra Russell, Sis Such Martin and Sis Geraldine.  

Information on Two Events for 63rd BMC

Below is information on two events that will be occurring during our 63rd BMC.

                                      Social Services Project:



ALL GUOOF members can participate in this worthy effort to “sock” the homeless of a New Orleans homeless shelter! 

As you pack your bags for New Orleans, please throw in a pack of “SOCKS FOR THE HOMELESS” or bring a donation of $5 to the BMC. 

For those of you unable to attend the BMC, please share this communication with your members and have them send a $5 donation to: PDMNG Sis Zel Cannon,113 West 21st Street, Wilmington. DE  19802. 

The donations will purchase “SOCKS FOR THE HOMELESS” and be presented at the BMC!

We will report back to ALL via Bro Paige/email OUR success with this sock collection effort.  Please, please participate!

Thanking You In Advance,

Sis Cathy McGlotten-MD, Grand Prelate, Chairperson of Grand Social Services Committee

Sis Zel Cannon-DE, PDGMNG, Co-Chair of Grand Social Services Committee



On Tuesday, August 14, following the Prayer Breakfast, our National Oratorical Contest will be held.  Please let me (HGS Paige) know if youth from your area will be attending.  

 At past BMCs, most recently in Rochester, we have been astounded by the performances of our young speakers.  Again, this year, there will be two divisions:

                                       1) Elementary and Middle School
                                       2) High School and College Freshmen

Topics that may be covered are a) Current State of Race Relations; b) Gun Violence in the U.S.; c) Drugs and Alcohol and our Youth; d) Texting while Driving or topic of choice with prior approval of the National Education Committee.  

Expect to hear our youth at their best during the contest.



GUOOF Presentation to American Red Cross

There was a presentation of our donation to the American Red Cross for relief of victims of Hurricanes Irma and Marie. MHGM John W. Green would like to thank all the members of the order that gave from their hearts.

The presentation was made to Bill Brent, Executive Director of the Central Virginia Regional Chapter.  He was presented with a check for $1070 on Monday June 4, 2018.