Virginia’s 57 Biennial District Grand Session
Virginia’s 57 Biennial District Grand Session at Hilton Garden Inn Suffolk Riverfront Hotel and Conference Center. Photos of the Opening of the Session.
District Grand Lodge #13, GUOOF to meet
DDISTRICT GRAND LODGE NO. 13 OF SOUTH CAROLINA GRAND UNITED ORDER OF ODD FELLOW Brother Shawn O. Cannon, DGM I greet you with a humble and grateful heart as we the members of District Grand Lodge No. 13 of South Carolina Grand United Order of Odd Fellows in America invite you the 138th South Carolina District Convention to be held at the United Masonic Temple 109 West Lucas Street Florence, South Carolina 29501 on August 24th, 2019. We request that all be on time as we shall begin at 10 am. We request all member follow all instructions so that, we can have a successful 2019 District Convention. We ask that each Lodge send at least one delegate…