Bro. Mathurin, H.D.G.M. Visits London, England
During my vacation in London, England, February 02, 2017 to February 23, 2017, I had the opportunity to speak with my many Fraternal Brothers of the London United Lodge 11636 of the English Jurisdiction. It is unfortunate that I was not able to attend any of their general meetings, but my presence to be their guest at a well enjoyed dinner at one of London’s Chinese Restaurant was well appreciated. Many Sisters joined in with the Brothers to the Dinner. I was welcomed with open heart by the Lodge’s Permanent Secretary, Joe Wryter. In response, I brought greetings from the M.H.G.M. John W. Green and his Committee of Management of the American Jurisdiction.
Herewith are some of the photos taken at the Dinner 1st.
Left to right Joe Mathurin, H.D.G.M. , Committee of Management, American Jurisdiction; Joe Wryter, P.S., London Lodge, Sis. Marian Blankson-VanDyck, Deputy Grand Master, English Jurisdiction; Stephen Okyere, P.N.F, Trustee and Martin Bakudie, Grand Director, English Jurisdiction.