Marching Club
Greetings are extended to my brothers and sisters from the National Marching Clubs of the Grand United Order Of Odd Fellows In America And Jurisdictions!
We wish you God’s blessings and pray all is well.
The National Marching Clubs are presently undergoing a “make-over” and need your help and support.
We are in the process of rebuilding, recruiting and reviving our membership to restore the Marching Clubs to prominence once again, as an “integral and vibrant” Branch of our Order.
We solicit and seek your support. We solicit your ideas, spirit and membership to make this process a success!
Marching Clubs are the “morale builders” and “spirit lifters” of our Order. Let us LIFT spirits and BOOST the morale in our Grand Order once again!
I encourage Area Directors, District Grand Masters, District Grand Most Noble Governors, heads of subordinate lodges and households and all members to consider and support the Marching Clubs in this endeavor.
If anyone needs info on how to start a marching club or general information please contact me by e-mail ( or by phone at (302)598-4356.
Yours in FLT and PHP
Brother Leroy C. Langston
Bro. Leroy Langston, Chairperson, Marching Club
Marching Clubs in the Grand United Order Of Odd Fellows originated around 1948 in Washington, D. C. and were the “brainchild” of Grand Secretary J. Pittman, a member of J. McCrummill Lodge #1437 as a social outlet for members of the Order.
Marching Clubs were officially recognized and incorporated into the Order (under the Area concept) at the 34th B.M.C. held in Buffalo, N.Y. on August 12, 1958.
Years later Marching Clubs were elevated to one of the seven branches of the Order.
Marching units were organized in Phila., Pa.- Cooperette Marching Club; Bahamas- Bahama Star Marching Club; Brooklyn, N.Y.- 3 Link Marching Club; Buffalo, N.Y.- Odd Cadet Marching Club and the Buffalo “High Steppers” Marching Club; Washington, D.C.- 3 Link Marching Club; and Goldsboro, N.C.- Langston “Go-Go” Marching Club.
Deleware and Pennsylvania also formed a Color Guard Unit during the 1970’s – 90’s. Marching Clubs participated in all GUOOF activities and many units participated in various parades, activities and functions providing “spiritual enlightenment.”
The first National Marching Club Director was Sister Bernice Hogan (Washington, D.C.). She was succeeded by Brother James Scott ( Buffalo, N.Y. ) and Sister Hazel Harvey ( Brooklyn, N.Y.). Afterwards Sister Ruthell Franklin- Laird served as an interim Director for a brief period. Sister Edith Amos served as Director and is succeeded by Brother Leroy C. Langston.
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