Socks for the Homeless presented at 63rd BMC

Grand United Order of Odd Fellows supports charity to New Orleans, LA (NOLA) homeless shelter.  

We did that!!! Donated over 300 pairs of socks to the Salvation Army in New Orleans. Ms. Michelle Linton, Resource Director for the Salvation Army accepted the donation.  Thanks to everyone, for your support !!!

The National Social Services Committee, GUOOF
Cathy McGlotten, Chairperson    Zel Cannon, Co-Chairperson 

Seated: Ms. Michelle Linton, MHGM John Green
Standing left to right: Eleanor Parker, Teresa Ameer-Bey, Zel Cannon, Cathy McGlotten 

Seated: Ms. Michelle Linton, MWGS Janette CarterStanding left to right: Delores Butler, Teresa Ameer-Bey, Eleanor Parker, Zel Cannon, Cathy McGlotten

State of Pennsylvania Hosts Annual District Ball

Save The Date

District Grand Lodge No. 1
District Grand Household of Ruth No. 3
(Jurisdiction of Pennsylvania)
Grand United Order of Odd Fellows
In America & Jurisdiction

Presents Their
Annual District Ball

                                  Recognizing Our National Officers             
Sister Josephine L. Davis, H.P.M.W.G.S.
Right Worthy Grand Superior ~ Grand Household of Ruth,
(302) 838-5030 ~ (215) 990-2405
Sister Joyce S. Robinson, H.P.M.W.G.S.
Worthy Grand Prelate ~ Worthy Grand Recorder ~ Elect
Grand Household of Ruth
(215) 888-1084 ~ (215) 477-6348

Brother Leroy C. Langston
Grand Trustee ~ Committee of Management
(302) 598-4356

Saturday, November 17, 2018 ~ 7:00 P.M.

At the
Clarion Hotel Philadelphia Airport
76 Industrial Highway
Essington, Pennsylvania 19029

Cost of Tickets: $50.00 ~ Ads Full Pg. $35.00 ~ Half Pg. $25.00 ~ Quarter Pg. $15.00

Additional Information Will Be Forthcoming