Worthy Grand Recorder


Joyce S. Robinson, H.P.M.W.G.S.
Worthy Grand Recorder
Grand Household of Ruth

First giving honor and praise to our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Christ, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Officers and Members of the Grand Household of Ruth for seeing fit to elect me to the office of Worthy Grand Recorder of the Grand Household of Ruth.  I am both humbled and honored and I will do my very best to fulfilled the duties of that office, as well as anything else that might be asked of me by the Most Worthy Grand Superior.

 I would like to thank Past Worthy Grand Recorder, Sis. Doreen Van Heynegen for all that she has done to assist in this transition.

I am asking all District Grand Most Noble Governors to please notify this office of any change in your District Grand Officers. 

 Please do not hesitate to contact me with any inquires or questions that you might have regarding the Household of Ruth.

 May God continued to bind us together with bonds that cannot be broken.

 Yours in Peace, Happiness and Prosperity,

Joyce S. Robinson,
Worthy Grand Recorder