2024 Full Board Session January 11-13
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
Just a reminder of details related to the January session. Ads and Banquet sales are low. Please be aware of the deadlines.
The January Full Board session is scheduled for January 11-13, 2024 at the Doubletree Hotel- Center City, Philadelphia with departure on Sunday, January 14. The session will culminate with the Installation of all District Grand Lodge and District Grand Household Officers on Saturday, January 13. As usual, the Installation Ceremony will be followed by the Banquet. Tickets are $60 each. Please mail all monies for tickets to my VA home address (7314 Porters Rd., Esmont, VA 22937). Tickets will be distributed to you upon your arrival in Philadelphia. The deadline for purchase of banquet tickets is December 15, 2023.
Ads expressing congratulations to District Grand Officers can be placed in the Souvenir Journal. Prices are:
Full page $60
Half page $40
Your print ready ads should be emailed to MHGME John Green at greenghg@aol.com. Please be sure that all photos are clear. The deadline for ads is December 15, 2023. Fees for all ads should be mailed to me in VA.
Hotel rooms at the Doubletree are $139 plus tax. Reservations can be made by calling the Hotel at 1-215-893-1600 or using the link: Event Summary (passkey.com)
The deadline for Hotel reservations is December 15, 2023.
Please abide by all deadlines. If you have questions or concerns, please contact me by mail, phone (434-286-3639) or email (gtpaige@aol.com). Also, please share this information with our members that do not have internet access.
Graham Paige, HGS