Chaplains and Devotional Choir Meetings
Greetings, Brothers and Sisters of our Beloved Order,
F.L.T. P.H.P.
Subject: Chaplains and Devotional Choir Meetings
In preparation for three BMC we have scheduled the following meetings:
1. Associate Chaplains Meeting
I cordially invite all the Associate Chaplains the Grand United Order of ODD Fellow to join us on Today Thursday, July 11 at 7:00 P.M. EST via Zoom. Meeting ID: 9331147898. Password HCBC
2. GUOOF Devotional Choir Meeting
If you are interested in participating in the Devotional Choir at the BMC we invite you to join us for a rehearsal/meeting on Today Thursday, July 11th 2024 at 8:00 P.M. EST via Zoom. Meeting ID: 9331147898. Password HCBC. All Brothers and sisters who would like to join the choir are welcomed.
Fraternally yours,
Rev. L.K. Floyd,
Grand Chaplain, Grand United Order of America & Jurisdictions