GUOOF Area IV Session 2020

Bro. William Martin, Area IV Director      Sis. Joann Farve, Area IV Co-Director

5123 Forest Hill Road                                125 Easy Street

Jackson, MS 39272                                     Luling, LA 70070

Telephone No. 601-597-4337 (C)               Telephone No. 469-9292 (C)

601-346-7854 (H)                                       601-469-386-9292 (H)



TO:                 Area IV Executive Officers, District Grand Masters, District Most Noble Governors, Elected Officers and Members

FROM:           William Martin, Area IV Director & Joann Farve, Area IV Co-Director               

DATE:            January 31, 2020                       

SUBJECT:     21st Annual Area IV Session Announcement

Give God the glory for his blessings upon our Annual Session for He is worthy to be praised! It is indeed a great honor and privilege to serve as your Area IV Director with Sis. Joann Farve, Co-Director.

Please consider this communication as your Official Call to Order of Area IV of the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows and Household of Ruth, which will convene its 21st. Session on March 20th through the 22nd, 2020 in Pearl, MS. at the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel. The theme for this occasion is “2020, a New Year Commitment to the Grand United Order of Odd Fellows and the Household of Ruth”

We are asking each District Grand Master, Grand Master, District Grand Most Nobel Governor and the Most Noble Governor to assure that all brothers and sisters are notified and encouraged to attend the session or at the least choose delegates to represent your lodge or household.  You will enjoy meeting and sharing with brothers and sisters from other districts who will be in attendance. We are planning for an informative and inspirational session. Only we, the members of the Order, can be held accountable for the growth and prosperity of the Order, only if we will listen and follow the commands we are given. Will we let the Order die for lack of foresight and judgment on our watch? The Future is in our hands, what will we do? Come let us plan together for a brighter future in 2020!

Registration: $80.00 Pre-Registration and $100.00 on-site Registration per person (Includes cost of Friday         night Meet & Greet Reception, Saturday & Sunday Breakfast Buffets (2 passes per guestroom), and Saturday night Banquet. Guest Banquet Tickets are $20.00 ea.

                                    Mail your prepayment registration moneys to:

                                                            Bro. Luther Steele, Jr.

                                                            GUOOF Area IV Treasurer

                                                            540 West Main Street

                                                            Raymond, MS 39154

                                                            Phone: 601-720-3687 (C)

                                    Pre-Registration deadline date is March 1, 2020

Hotel Lodging: $151.20 per guestroom, per night, double occupancy, two queen beds will sleep 4,  tax included

Call your reservations in to:   

Hilton Garden Inn Jackson/Pearl

438 Riverwind Dr.

Pearl, MS 70808

Phone: (601) 933-1174    

Request Event Block of Rooms for: Grand United Order of Odd Fellows

 All room reservation cancellations require a 24 hour advance notice of the registration deadline!

The hotel is holding 15 guestrooms; reservations should be confirmed by February 28, 2020.

Hotel Reservations can be booked by giving your name and credit card or other means of payment.


(1.)      Full Page Color Ad @ $60.00

(2.)      Full Page Black/White Ad @ $40.00

(3.)      Half Page Color Ad @ $35.00

(4.)      Half Page Black/White Ad @ $25.00

(5.)      Quarter Page Color Ad @ $20.00

(6.)      Quarter Page Black/White Ad @ $10.00

(7.)      Patron List or Business Card Color @ $10.00 or B/W Ad @ $5.00

If you choose, your Souvenir Ads from March 2019 can be updated and the new ad fees will apply. You must email the updates to the Ad Developer, Mrs. Kristi Moore.

Send all ads by email to: Kmoore _39212 and be sure the space between Kmoore and space between 39212 is an underscore. The email subject line should be GUOOF AREA IV 2020. If you have questions, you may email her at the address above or call her at (601) 941-8833 (C) after 7:00 pm or leave a message and your contact information.

Send all Ad monies to: Kristi Moore, Jackson, 5123 Forest Hill Road, MS 39272. Checks and Money Orders are accepted, please make Money Order or Check payable to: GUOOF Area IV 2020.

Don’t forget the Deadline date for all Souvenir Ads to be received is March 1, 2020! Ads received after this date will not be printed and payment fees will be returned to sender.  

We are asking each of you to support the sale and purchase of Area IV Ads for our Souvenir Book. Ads may be sold to members and to the general public in your community.  Please contact your local lodge and household officers or members. For the spare change fundraiser, please bring checks or cash with you or mail checks and money orders to: Bro. Luther Steele, Jr., Ways and Means Committee Chair, 540 West Main Street, Raymond, MS 39154. Please see the Souvenir Ad requirements attached.

Yours in Friendship, Love and Truth, as well as Peace, Happiness and Prosperity,           

Bro. William Martin                                                             Sis. Joann Farve

Area IV Director                                                                    Area IV Co-Director

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