Important message from Grand Secretary Paige, GUOOF
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
The July Full Board session convened in Philadelphia on July 12, 2019. Brother Green attended and is well on the road to recovery but Brother Joe Mathurin, HDGM. presided during the business session. Please note these two important agenda items that affect our entire membership:
Opinion: Item 18 – Sale of Odd Fellows materials
We are aware some members are selling Odd Fellows and Household material without oral or written permission from the Committee of Management.
It is the Opinion of this Committee that the Grand Secretary will issue notifications to all members of the Order that any brother or sister who desires the vending of GUOOF materials must first receive approval from the COM.
Additionally, once approval is received from the COM, ten percent (10%) royalty is expected from all individuals or groups generating sales.
Submitted by:
William Harrison
Graham Paige
Bobby Stone
Herbert Boland
Secondly, selection of the 64th BMC site is in its final stage. An announcement of the site and all costs involved should be forthcoming by the end of August 2019.